Spoilers & Speculations

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Kassandra Black
Posted on 24/8/2011, 17:47

Question: I am dying for a hint on the Gossip Girl pregnancy. Do you have anything to share? —Jennifer
Ausiello: Someone is pregnant and it’s not Dorota. Beyond that, my lips are sealed.

Question: Any chance my favorite Gossip Girl couple, Dan and Serena, will reunite next season? —Derena
Ausiello: Serena will attempt to get back in Dan’s good graces when she returns from Los Angeles, but — shocker — she has ulterior motives.

Kassandra Black
Posted on 26/8/2011, 12:06

Morris: Grazie mille per tutti gli scoop su Chuck e Blair della
settimana scorsa! Ma che dici a noi fan di Dan e Blair? Qualunque cosa?!

Mi è stato detto che non c'è "davvero niente in fermentazione" all'inizio della stagione per Dan e Blair. Mi dispiace! In verità ho un posto molto speciale nel mio cuore anche per Dair, e nel mio
universo felice, C, B e D vivono tutti insieme nello Utah circondati da un meraviglioso cortile in comune. Tenete viva la speranza e la prossima volta che parleremo con gli showrunner chiederemo di certo.

@EWSandraG Hai qualche scoop per i fan di Dan e Serena in Gossip Girl?
Dopo l'inizo di stagione Serena non tornerà più a LA? — @derenalover

Ho provato a toccare l'argomento durante una veloce telefonata con Penn Badgley, ma la sua ipotesi era uguale alla mia. "Non ne ho idea.
[Gli sceneggiatori] ci danno sempre qualche indizio su cosa potrebbe succedere in un futuro vicino o lontano con loro." Ma se la serie è davvero in "dirittura d'arrivo" come ha detto Badgley, direi che è ora di andare avanti e smetterla con questi giochetti!

jazy736: Scoop su Chuck/Blair per favore! Se non è possibile, qualunque cosa su Chuck e sul perché sia pieno di lividi andrà bene lo
stesso. Grazie!

Sarete felici di sapere che questa foto - non ha nulla a che vedere col soprannaturale, grazie mille. Chuck è in "grossi guai," ma viene fuori anche qualcosa di positivo dalla sua rissa. Per quanto riguarda Chuck e Blair, accidenti, non lo so, ma qualcuno vuole davvero sapere qualcosa su questi due? Oh, giusto. Dato che ci sono un gazillione di @domande sul mio Twitter riguardanti Chuck e Blair (Leighton Meester), andrò per il Sì, a voi ragazzi impoooorta davvero! Posso dirvi che Louis (Hugo Becker) è ancora molto preoccupato di quello che prova Blair per Chuck — sarà sempre preoccupato, e che questo rappresenterà un problema — ma stanno ancora decisamente organizzando il matrimonio all'inizio della nuova stagione. Magari lei tirerà fuori un "Rachel" all'altare? Fan di Friends, spiegate ai più piccoli cosa significa tirare fuori un

awkwardhobos: Hai qualche spoiler sul test di gravidanza che abbiamo visto alla fine di Gossip Girl?
Una persona è decisamente incinta. Ma è troppo succulento per spoilerare.

Kassandra Black
Posted on 30/8/2011, 12:04

Rebecca: What can you tell us about Dan and Blair? Or Chuck and Blair? Is there any hope for either?
Not hearing of anything the works for Dan and Blair, and it quite honestly pains me to tell you that! But Chuck and Blair fans, there is some good news for you. Aside from what I’ve mentioned about Blair’s feelings for Chuck being quite the issue with her fiance prince, I can also tell you that despite the photo above, which looks like a meet cute between the Chuckster and a new love interest, a source tells me this little gem of good news: Chuck does not have any sort of new love interest in the works. At least not early on in the season. Cause to celebrate, mayhaps?

Kassandra Black
Posted on 31/8/2011, 00:39

Da ausiello
Question: Do you have any scoop on what Dan and Blair’s relationship will be like in Season 5 of Gossip Girl? –Steph
Ausiello: One-sided. It’ll be clear that Dan still has feelings for Blair, but the future princess of Monaco is still having none of it.

Kassandra Black
Posted on 1/9/2011, 18:27

intervista a Safran

A scandalous book, a mysterious new outsider, and one complicated love triangle — or is it a square?

The fifth season of The CW’s Gossip Girl, premiering Set. 26, has enough drama to keep its titular blogger glued to her keyboard for weeks. Wedding bells will be ringing for one Upper East Sider with a bevy of men in her life, while another finds her destiny far away from Manhattan.

Below, executive producer Josh Safran previews a new season that he says will be lighter, poppier, and a lot more fun.

FOR WHOM THE BELLS TOLL | Sorry, Chair and Dair fans, Blair’s nuptials to Louis are still very much on, and Safran’s excited about all the story potential that comes with such a royal affair. “There’s the shower. There’s the dress. There’s photographs,” he says. “There’s seating charts. There’s cake tasting.” But what about a hiccup or two? “Planning a wedding, even a non-royal one, can be a pain,” he teases. “[Blair and Louis] are definitely feeling those pains, and also the joys, that come both as a couple and independently.”

| Vanessa’s unwelcome goodbye present – publishing Dan’s book without his knowledge – will be a big font of storylines. The season-long arc will propel Dan into a new world for which he may not be ready. “His maturation process is going to be sped up, because this is not a decision that he made for himself,” explains Safran. “When that happens…it is very much like a bullet from a gun that somebody else fired.” As the season opens, the young author will find himself “playing catch up and [wondering], ‘Where am I? Where am I?’” As for what the tell-all means for Dan and Blair’s friendship, Safran remains cryptic: “It affects things very much.”

DAIR TO CHAIR | After a fateful kiss, the show returned from a brief hiatus to have the Dan-Blair romance recede into the background. So what gives? Safran says the writers knew from early Season 1 – Episode 4, to be precise – that the two “were going to have a connection that was surprising to both of them, and was based on a shared emotional life.” Safran maintains “that storyline” — the impact of that connection on both Dan and Blair’s lives – “in whatever form, is continuing.” He singles out the final scene between Dan and Blair in the Season 4 finale, in which it appeared that Dan wasn’t quite over Blair, as “a very conscious and consciously placed piece.” Meanwhile, Chuck is in Los Angeles when the season kicks off, but Safran assures that he and Blair are always going to have stories together. “We have not abandoned Chuck and Blair by any stretch of the imagination,” he adds. “But that doesn’t mean it’s always going to be Chair or Dair or Lair or whatever nickname people want to give that.”

A NEW SERENA | Brace yourself for a shock. “Serena is lost no more,” reveals Safran. The flighty blonde will find her purpose in Los Angeles, which provides the backdrop for her new life in the season’s first two episodes. “She has taken the job that was offered to her at the end of last season, and we see just exactly how that has panned out for her,” teases Safran, adding that “Serena’s goals come very clearly into focus.”

GOSSIP GIRL, MEET PAYNE | The introduction of Elizabeth Hurley’s strong, savvy businesswoman Diana Payne will mean big things for Gossip Girl herself. But an unmasking of the all-knowing blogger is not in the cards. Rather, the show will be exploring “the role that Gossip Girl plays in our world,” says Safran. Diana, who’s also taking a look at the site, “sees the potential in an untapped market of these young twentysomethings that she believes could be exploited better,” explains Safran. So how does one take advantage of that demo? Lure them over to your side, of course! “She really takes it upon herself to avail herself of our cast and get them to come work for her.”

Which of Safran’s plans for Season 5 of Gossip Girl excites you most? Sound off in the comments!

Kassandra Black
Posted on 14/9/2011, 10:15

Da Ausiello

Question: When are we going to find out who’s pregnant on Gossip Girl? —Em
Ausiello: By the end of the season premiere. And prepare to be shocked. I certainly was.

E da Kristin

Desiree: I'd give ANYTHING for something on Dan and Blair on Gossip Girl. Please, give me some good news on them!
I just heard about something in episode four that literally made me gasp, then squeal, then blurt out, "Are you freaking serious?!" Turns out, the scandalous scene I'm talking about is not exactly what it seems, but I highly recommend you Chuck-Blair fans and Dan-Blair fans wear an adult diaper just in case. Consider yourself warned.

Jazy736: Hit me with some Serena news please! #GossipGirl
She'll be working for a production company that wants to get the rights to a certain book written by a certain someone she knows very well. Hint: It's not Snooki.

mockingbird2424: Do you have any #gossipgirl Chuck and Blair news?
Chuck is gonna have a hard time feeling anything this year.

Posted on 22/9/2011, 12:28

Question: I’m a “Dair” fan, I must admit. Do you have an scoopage on my favorite Gossip Girl storyline? —Nova
Ausiello: I’m hearing rumblings about a second kiss early in the season, but I don’t know when it occurs or what the context is. But does it really matter? A kiss is still a kiss.

Kassandra Black
Posted on 22/9/2011, 13:33

Altri spoiler sulla premiere!
Da Kristin
If we had to describe the season five premiere of Gossip Girl in one word, that word would be: fun.

Seriously, Gossip Girl's season opener, airing on Monday, Sept. 26, is just a whole lot of fun. That's not to say there isn't any delicious drama accompanying all the fun. Come on now, this is GG. You should know better.

So how is Chuck (Ed Westwick) dealing with Blair's (Leighton Meester) engagement? What's going on between Dan (Penn Badgley) and Blair? And who the heck is pregnant?!

To make this easier, let's tease the premiere character-by-character, shall we?

Blair: Our favorite Audrey Hepburn worshipper returns from Monaco with Prince Louis (Hugo Becker) full of love…and complaints. You see, Louis' mother is making all of the wedding decisions, including (gasp!) the dress that Blair will wear. Blair may or may not begin to rethink her engagement when Louis refuses to stand up to his mother. Her (possible) cold feet lead us to…

Dan: Slow ya roll, Chair fans. It's not like that. Dan—who took up softball during the summer (in a league for writers and artists!) and looks adorable in his team's shirt—is Blair's only friend currently in the city and she desperately needs someone to talk to. As a friend.

Lonely Boy is more than happy to offer his assistance considering he's still harboring major feelings for Blair and all. Our evidence? Vanity Fair is attempting to publish a chapter from Dan's novel Inside, which is all about Blair and he desperately tries to stop it from being printed and turns to an unexpected source for some help. Does he succeed? We're not saying, but we will say Dan and Blair have a heartfelt and serious (their banter is MIA) scene in the loft that will make Dair lovers very, very happy for a moment or two.

Chuck: Prepare for Chuck like you've never seen him before: Truly happy! OK, we've seen him happy before, but this is a different kind of happy: it's dangerous. It seems Chuck took Jim Carrey's Yes Man a little too much to heart because that's his new favorite word: Yes. As in he's down to try anything at least once, even if it puts his life in danger. At least he does it all with style and one-liners. (Here's our favorite: "People like me don't write books. They're written about.")

While Chuck and Blair don't come face-to-face in the episode (He is in L.A. being a daredevil and all), he definitely still feels her presence when an envelope containing a certain invite arrives.

Nate: Attention! Nate Archibald finally has a storyline! Whee! We had a blast watching Nate run around L.A., pretending to be a movie star and hooking up with Elizabeth Hurley (who is awesome and gorgeous and scheming and we love it!) and it's all thanks to Chace's underrated comedy skills. We're glad the show is finally highlighting the goofy side of Nate.

That being said, Nate has an epiphany of sorts in the episode: He's kind of lost. (Better late than never, Natey!) Where that takes him should be really interesting to watch this season.

Serena: S is a working girl, y'all! She's got a job as a production assistant on a film with David O. Russell and is in some fierce job competition with—drum roll, please—10 Things I Hate About You's Ethan Peck! Yes, Ethan is in the premiere and he's kind of a jerk. Sad panda.

One of the episode's highlights includes all the Chuck, Nate and Serena interaction, which had kind of a season-one vibe. The Non-Judging Breakfast Club (minus Blair at the moment) lives on! We totally wanted in on their group hug.

Not enough Gossip goodies for you? Here's a few other tidbits we can tease:
It's revealed what Jenny (Taylor Momsen) is up to pretty early in the episode. (She's not in Hudson anymore.)
What are the parentals up to? Rufus (Matthew Settle) is definitely becoming suspicious of Dan's feelings for Blair, while Lily (Kelly Rutherford) is still redecorating (off-screen).
Remember the term "Three words, eight letters" from season two? Of course you do. It's brought back in the premiere and has nothing to do with Chuck and Blair.
And finally, yes, someone is in fact pregnant. Yes, it's shocking. Yes, the reveal comes near the end of the episode. Yes, we will be in deep trouble if we say anything else on the subject.

Like what you're hearing? What are you most excited to see in Gossip Girl's season premiere? Come hang with us in the comments and tell us all about it. We promise we don't bite!

Intervista a Safran
We went to a ‘Gossip Girl’ screening of the season premiere today and can we just say — wow! Josh Safran sat down and answered multiple questions about the upcoming season. Read on for spoilers!

Many of you are dying to know secrets about the upcoming Gossip Girl season premiere, particularly anything involving one Miss Blair Waldorf and her feelings toward her fiance, Chuck Bass and Dan Humphrey. And while we can’t give everything away we can tell you that she doesn’t have any scenes at all with one of these characters in the premiere.

Sorry Chair fans, those of you looking for some Blair and Chuck interactions will have to wait a little bit. While Chuck is forced to face Blair’s impending wedding when he comes back from his worldly travels, the two don’t interact in the premiere. She does however, have quite the conversations with both Prince Louis and Dan. Just because she’s not interacting with Chuck doesn’t mean we don’t get to see feisty Blair in full force.

That being said, will she continue with her plans to wed Louis? Executive producer Josh Safran says yes. “You will see all steps up to, at least, if not including, Blair’s wedding,” he teases.

And what about Chuck? Josh explains that the theme of this season, for everyone, is “growing up”. “They are all actually taking the first steps to who they are going to be,” says Josh. “Chuck’s journey, even though it looks like he’s a thrill-seeker [in the premiere], that opens the door to a new avenue for him, a new way of life, which isn’t what you’ve seen yet. But I think people will really like it. I think it’s the only actual step in the evolution of Chuck.”

Hmm, does that mean grown up Chuck wouldn’t get in the way of Blair’s wedding? And how does Dan play into all of this? “The triangle in our minds is sort of Chuck and Louis and Blair,” reveals Josh. “Dan’s role in it is sort of surprising … I don’t know if it’s necessarily romantic with Dan and Blair.”

And for those die-hard fans who are worried that Chuck, Blair, Dan, Nate and Serena will not be getting enough screen time with each other, do not stress. “We have our core cast more together than they have been since season one,” explains Josh. “We only have like five or six people [in some episodes]. You see all of them [the regulars] in every episode.”

As for the pregnancy question all we can reveal is you do know which gal is pregnant by the end of the premiere. And everything may not pan out in the way you, ahem, expect.

Altri ancora

Gossip Girl ended season four with more questions than an LSAT prep manual -- Is Serena California material? What happened with Dan's manuscript? Will Chuck contract herpes? Can Nate get a storyline this season? Which member of the Waldorf penthouse is with child? Well, I'm freshly back from a screening of the season five premiere, and happy to report that all of these questions get answered.

And while I'm sworn to secrecy about which Gossip girl is expecting, I can confirm that you'll find out during the first episode back, on September 26. As for who the father is, executive producer Joshua Safran swears the paternity identity will be revealed during the first half of the new year. A season that is all about our core kids finally growing up.

And while there were oodles of spoilers about Nate's relationship with Elizabeth Hurley's character and Chuck's new life motto (it involves a lot of "yes!!!!!!"), I couldn't let an opportunity to grill a GG EP about the seemingly cast aside, but totally amazing, pairing of Dan and Blair. On that front, I've got good news and bad news.

The good: Dan's feelings for Blair play a major role in the premiere.

The bad ... well, I'll let Joshua take this one. "The triangle in our minds is sort of Chuck and Louis and Blair," he said this afternoon, following the screening. "Dan's role in it is sort of surprising and I think he will both add to the Chair-shippers and detract for the Chair-shippers, alternately." Then to basically eliminate any confusion, he added, "I don’t know if it’s necessarily romantic with Dan and Blair."

However, that doesn't mean Dan will be short on story this season. In fact, Lonely Boy is fueling one of season five's biggest storylines as the release of his book sends shockwaves through the Upper East Side. "The book impacts everybody from his friends to his family, to his life basically. Everyone [has] a reaction. It's not necessarily the reaction that Dan expects them to have but its also not the reaction they expect to have."

Content-wise, the book is a not-so-thinly-veiled portrait of life as an Upper East Side outsider that Dan has been working on for quite a while. "He’s been writing since he saw [Serena] at a party in ninth grade," Safran says. "He started writing about her from that point forward, so six years."

Sadly, the GG team is so busy cracking episodes they don't have time to actually reproduce Dan's book in its entirety, but they're toying with the idea of putting some excerpts online. So keep those eyes peeled!

Posted on 23/9/2011, 13:17

eonline.com da questa notizia:

Chuck (Ed Westwick) kissed a boy before…and he didn’t mind it. (Good times, season three! Good times!)

With Blair (Leighton Meester) off planning her wedding to Prince Louis (Hugo Becker), could Gossip Girl’s resident bad boy become a little curious this season? Or maybe Serena (Blake Lively) has decided to experiment while living it up in Los Angeles?

We’ve exclusively learned that one of Gossip Girl’s main characters (they’re in the picture above!) is going gay in season five and trust us, it’s good.

So who is it and how does it happen?

OK, so maybe the headline is kind of misleading, but still, one of our favorite Upper East Siders will be fictionally switching teams.

Yes, that’s right. It seems like Dan (Penn Badgley) took some major creative liberties with his subjects in “Inside,” his book about the UES—which Vanessa (Jessica Szohr) published without his knowledge—and made someone gay! We’re going to assume fans of the original book series by Cecily von Ziegesar are thrilled by Dan’s decision, as Lonely Boy was sexually confused for a few pages and Chuck was in fact gay. GG is going meta and we love it!

Could it be his ex-girlfriend/stepsister Serena? Or maybe his BFF (Bromantic Friend Forever!) Nate (Chace Crawford)? And we wouldn’t put it past Dan to change Chuck’s (or is his name Charlie Trout in the novel?) sexual orientation, so he could end up with a certain brunette all to himself. Then again, Dan easily could have made his own character gay… or even Blair’s!

Kassandra Black
Posted on 27/9/2011, 14:45

Gossip Girl executive producer Josh Safran has dropped hints about Elizabeth Hurley’s role in the show.

The 46-year-old has signed up to play a media mogul called Diana Payne in the fifth season of the OTT teen drama. Safran has also told TV Line that Hurley’s character is very good at getting her own way.

“She’s very honest about it,” he said. “Even though she may move the chess pieces around to get what she wants, she says up top, ‘This is what I want’. So if people don’t comply, she’ll just move them and get what she wants.”

Safran and others at Gossip Girl have previously teased that Diana’s arrival “will change the lives of all [the] characters – including, and especially, Gossip Girl herself”.

Kassandra Black
Posted on 28/9/2011, 18:35

Gossip Girl's executive producer Josh Safran has hinted that the shock pregnancy storyline will involve "complications".

In the recent season premiere, it emerged that Blair (Leighton Meester) is expecting a baby.

Safran has now told E! Online that Blair will struggle to cope with the news.

"Blair will try to hold on as best as she can alone and find that is not possible
," he said. "All of the discussions and what it means and what your options are and what you can do, all of that stuff is definitely very much in the mix."

Safran, who confirmed that the father is either Louis (Hugo Becker) or Chuck (Ed Westwick), continued: "I also believe Blair is engaged to be married and princesses are quite young... It isn't out of the realm of possibility to be pregnant. It's just a question of the complications that come with it."

Safran also revealed that the theme of the season is "growing up" and promised that fans will find out the identity of the father shortly.

"The audience will learn who the father is in the first half of the season," he said. "[Either way,] Blair's pregnancy will definitely impact Chuck in a major way."

Kassandra Black
Posted on 3/10/2011, 21:38

altra intervista a Safran
Who knew that after five seasons, Gossip Girl would be returning to the basics?

Last week’s premiere dropped a bombshell (Blair’s unexpected pregnancy) and set up the season’s arcs: Serena trying out the Hollywood thing, a “reformed” Chuck returning to his old ways and introducing the enigmatic Diana Payne (Elizabeth Hurley) into the fold. But after the departures of Taylor Momsen, Connor Paolo and Jessica Szohr, executive producer Josh Safran says this year the CW drama is focusing more on its core group. “This season is very much about the choices our characters making,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter.

As the show readies for its landmark 100th episode (which hasn't been written yet), Safran discusses the game-changing pregnancy reveal, why Diana is keen on the Gossip Girl website and what viewers can expect in future episodes.

[Warning: Minor spoilers ahead.]

The Hollywood Reporter: The writers always knew that Blair would be pregnant. Can you speak to why she was the one?

Josh Safran: We knew it was her that was pregnant when we placed the pregnancy test at the end of the finale so that wasn’t like we were going to place the pregnancy test and we’ll decide who’s pregnant later. We just knew we wanted Blair to have this complication thrown at her in her very orderly future life. Blair is the kind of person who often has a vision of how she wants her world to be and that vision meets with harsh realities left and right. This is just one of those realities and now, can she fit it into the vision of her future or does her future have to be altered in some way.

THR: The other question that comes up too, knowing Gossip Girl, will she even go through with the pregnancy? Is that going to played out through to the end?

Safran: I don’t want to comment on the storyline but I will say is that all of those questions are going to definitely come up for her. She’s going to have some interesting decisions to make in the near future.

THR: How will this development affect her friendships and romances?

Safran: It affects all of them in very interesting ways. This season is very much about the choices our characters making, whether it’s Dan’s book or Serena’s choice in career or Nate’s connection with Elizabeth Hurley. Every one of these character choices affect everybody around them.

THR: Was there any discussions about the baby being someone else’s before last season ended?

Safran: No, we knew it was Blair. We only did it because we knew that Blair was pregnant.

THR: The storylines seem to affect Blair more so than the other characters ..

Safran: It’s always been about the two girls (Serena and Blair) and their friendship has been the central conceit of the show and that remains very much the case this season. In the premiere, Serena’s in L.A. and Blair is in New York. Once they both get in New York, it’s very clearly still both of them. Serena will be returning to New York, which you’ll see in the second episode, at the end.

THR: Elizabeth Hurley’s character has an interest in the Gossip Girl website. Is there anything that you can reveal about how she’ll play into their world?

Safran: Diana Payne definitely, which you’ll hear about in Monday’s episode, wants to become the new media baron in New York. In order to do that, you need to eliminate your competitors, whether they’re the Post or Gossip Girl. She very much decides that in order to get what she wants, she needs to eliminate Gossip Girl. She’s got an agenda, but her agenda is very much to get where she wants to get, not somebody hit my dog with her car and I’m going about this convoluted way to get them. She’s direct, which unsettles the other characters because we’re not used to somebody saying, “You know what, I’m done with you.”

THR: Ivy (new series regular Kaylee DeFer) is back, but will viewers find out what happened to the real Charlie?

Safran: Yes. You will find out during the course of the season. I don’t want to say how that reveal will come about, but I will say that you cannot pretend to be somebody that exists without the person who’s existing to know about it.

THR: Will Chuck’s downfall near the end of last season be explored?

Safran: That will absolutely be revisited. That’s a major part of Chuck’s storyline this year.

THR: Are you facing any challenges this season?
Safran: The writers will attest to this, but there’s still so many stories to tell. The challenges in the past might have been the beginning of college because we didn’t want to be the kind of show that put everybody in the same school and then you realize they do that for a reason because the characters can interact. That’s maybe a mistake that we learned from.

THR: Is the blueprint for the series finale already set?

Safran: No, right now we just finished building our 100th episode. It’s going to be good, that’s all I can say. I can’t comment on [whether people will be returning], but what I can say is if you haven’t watched the show in a while, you can pop back in because it pays homage to every episode that came before it. It will center around a major event, probably the biggest event that we’ve done.

THR: Is there an idea in your head where you want the characters to end up?

Safran: Even when you do, in a weird way, they become living, breathing people to us. We all set goals for ourselves and those goals shift and change. Sure you can catch me up on Monday and I can say, “We all talked and we think it should be ‘X,’” then by Wednesday, it’s gone into a different direction. Some pieces we know and other pieces we hope for, but it could all change tomorrow.

THR: Are there any new characters or guest stars dropping by?

Safran: We’re looking at the first half of the season, because that’s where we are right now, of truly reconnecting our mains. Elizabeth Hurley is the only guest star because we wanted to make our characters fully enmeshed with each other. There are guest stars but they’re more Blair’s mother, Blair’s stepfather, Nate’s grandfather; it’s really more family stories. Season one was very much about these kids trying to define themselves and act out against their parents or realizing they were becoming their parents, as you grow up, you’re going to revisit those issues again.

THR: Anything else that can be teased?

Safran: Our first dream sequence of the year is in episode seven and it’s a really fun dream sequence. All I can tell you is it involves Blair, let’s put it that way.

Posted on 4/10/2011, 13:28

Spoiler da Kristen
@SunnySabry: Anything about Chuck and Blair and @BabyBass_, please! I'm starving!(:
First of all, I'm so happy to see that Blair's baby is on Twitter! So tech-savvy for a fetus. I gotta get my 6 month old on that. Slacker. Now, some good news for you Blucksters: Blair totally makes out with a guy in next week's episode and it is NOT the prince. The bad news? It's not Chuck either. (Wah wah!) Also, it's not what it seems, but it is not a dream. Riddle me THAT, Riddler! Post your guesses in the comments.

Frances: Anything more on who is gay on Gossip Girl?
You mean who is gay in Dan's book? I can tell you it's not Serena. And it's not Chuck. And on an unrelated side note, when Dan's book comes out his father Rufus also will not be pleased and it'll cause lots of friction. Dan's kinda screwed.

Kassandra Black
Posted on 4/10/2011, 22:28

Spotted: "Gossip Girl" star Chace Crawford strolling the Upper East Side streets with on-screen cousin (and romantic rival) Aaron Tveit.

Zap2it has confirmed that Aaron Tveit is returning to "Gossip Girl" as Trip van der Bilt for a multi-episode arc this season. No word on why he's back... but we're guessing his political aspirations may be taking a bit of a hit this season, given his family's involvement with gossip writer Diana Payne (Elizabeth Hurley) and Dan's (Penn Badgley) tell-all book.

Either that, or he could have his eye on Serena again. She's already gone two whole episodes this season without a love interest. That just doesn't happen.

Trip last appeared in Season 3 when a steamy affair with Serena threatened his political career and his marriage.

He's not on the best of terms with the Archibald side of the family -- Nate, who was in love with Serena at the time, punched his cousin after Trip and Serena got into a car accident. You know, since Trip put Serena, who was unconscious, in the driver's seat so he wouldn't get blamed for the wreck.

He's a classy dude.

What are your thoughts, "Gossip" fans? Are you looking forward to having Trip back in the city? What do you think his agenda is?

Kassandra Black
Posted on 5/10/2011, 11:32

Question: Gossip Girl is my guilty pleasure, but since I’m 41, nobody outside my house should know I’m addicted to this teen show. (I have a reputation.) I want to know if you have some spoilers regarding Chuck and/or Blair. —Sylvie
Ausiello: Prince Louis’ meddling mother and sister will insist that Blair move to Monaco to give birth to the future heir inside her. They even draw up a contract containing all sorts of ridiculous custody clauses. What a bunch of royal pains.

Question: I have to admit, Gossip Girl‘s Charlie’s kind of growing on me. Any scoop? —Kris

Ausiello: Someone discovers the teen interloper’s big secret, and, without missing a beat, blackmails her!

82 replies since 23/5/2011, 18:44   970 views